Return of the blog

 Return of the blog

It has been over a year since my last post on my blog. And I recently found myself wondering how to bring it back. I initially stopped posting because of creative burnout. And looking back I feel like I was limiting myself to only posting certain things that were very time-consuming to make. My idea now is to post shorter posts on a more regular basis. My ideas are things like; * Updates on when I have a new gallery on my website. Possibly including a brief review of the event/railway. These posts would contain my favorite pictures as well along with a link to the full gallery. *Disused railway walks * Photo of the day - a way to maintain near-daily posts. The first one of these is now up. * Modeling - updates on my various modeling projects. I may return to writing more longer posts in the future. But for now, these are my ideas for easing myself back into blogging. I've already made several new posts, which can be found by following the link below. I do welcome feedback on this. So if you have any ideas or thoughts. Please leave them below.


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